

Eric promo

Born in 1046, made Vampire in 1077. As a teenager in Ninth century Scandinavia, Eric joined with a rogue band of warriors who refused to swear allegiance to any kingdom because, in his own words, "My destiny is to answer to no man." Eric quickly became the leader of the group, which was briefly infamous for marauding on the coast of what is now Germany and Poland, until they mysteriously vanished after a battle in 1077. Eric did not speak about how he was made Vampire, or who made him, but has recently revealed that Godric is his Maker. Eric is of Norse "Viking" descent. He "made" Pam and she has been his friend & coworker numerous times over the years. He owns the tourist-y gothic vampire bar called Fangtasia in Shreveport.

Age: around 1000 years old
Occupation: Sheriff of Area 5, owner of Fangtasia
Hometown: Scandinavia
Resides in: Shreveport, LA
Species: Vampire
Supernatural charm(s): He loves a good fight, Mysterious, Powerful, Incredibly Sexy, Magnetic, Can fly, Very Strong, Incredible Kisser & Lover. He knows human nature so well as he has observed them over many years. He uses the Humans' weaknesses to get what he wants. He wants to rule. He sees everything as black and white and he is slow to give his loyalty, but once given, he will stand up to his obligations.

Personality type: He is a strategist, always looking those who would interfere in his own plans. He forgets nothing. He has seen all of life, and he has chosen to stay true to his own rules. His race learned how to survive by playing off the weaknesses of others.Commanding, Aloof, Powerful.

Signature look: Jeans & t-shirts, but can also be seen in glasses & a suit (when he's in disguise). He prefers no clothing, after all he wore furs in his other life.
Endearing trait(s): Some sense of humor (rare in vampires), Protective, Persistent
Loyalty is something he values -those who pledge their allegiance are held to his moral code. Loves a good fight and enjoys the spoils. He loves life.
His love for his hair... "Is there BLOOD in my HAIR!?"
Strength(s): Incredibly strong, Master of Business Strategy and Sense, Manipulation
of puny humans, and reads the true nature of a mortal or the Supes (supernaturals). His is superior, it is part of what makes him such a driving force. Has a driving, persuasive personality.

Vulnerabilities:His own love of being in control, 'if he controlled himself better he would make a great king.' Cute Blonde Telepathic Waitresses.


Season 1:

  • "If you have anything to ask, you should ask it of me."
  • "So, Bill... are you quite... attached to your friend?"
  • Eric's response to Bill declaring that Sookie was his: " What a pity, for me."
  • "Humans... really, Bill, I don't know what you see in them."
  • To Bill: "How do you stomach that stuff? Don't you find it metallic and vile?"
  • "If you're their poster boy, then the mainstreaming movement is in very big trouble. True Blood. It will keep to alive, but it will bore you to death."
  • Eric's answer to Bill's comment about him behaving himself at Merlotte's was "Don't I always?"
  • To Bill: "Man up, my frieind. Newborns can be like this."
  • "There are favors and then there are... favors."
Season 2:

  • To Lafayette after dismembering Royce: "Is there blood in my hair?"
  • To Lafayette: "Your associate, this... p***y lover. Has he or she mentioned any new product coming on the market?"
  • Eric's comment to Lafayette when Lafayette was drinking too much blood: "Don't get greedy."
  • To Lafayette: "You're gonna have to come out sometime."
  • To Bill referring to Godric: "If someone such as he can be taken, then none of us are safe."
  • To Bill, when Sookie stands up to him: "Your human is getting cocky."
  • After intimidating Jason: "Good boy. Now run along." *grin*
  • To Sookie: "Don't use words you don't understand."
  • To Sookie: "Don't use words I don't understand."
  • To Sookie: "Trust me."
  • To Bill: "Are you trying to pick a fight?" *swaggers and smirks*
  • To Sookie: "No time. Suck... suck it out. I'm... dying." *feigns passing out*
  • To Bill after Sookie sucked out the silver: "She was superb."
  • To Bill after Sookie yells at him and pounds her fist into his stomach: " Bill, you're right. I do believe I can sense her emotions!"
  • To Bill: "It's done. She's part of me now. Get out of the way."
  • To Lafayette: "You know how you feel with my blood inside you? Well, being a vampire is like that... times a million."
  • To Sam with lazy disdain: "Why should I help you... Shifter?
  • To Pam referring to Arlene's kids: "Oh, come on, Pam. They're funny. They're like humans but miniature. *squirreling his face up* Teacup humans."
  • "Good night, tiny humans." *wink*
  • To Bill: "Oh Billy. This paranoia is really quite unbecoming. Has she a... mentioned me?"